Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Ed Johnson story 1

This Ed Johnson story takes us way back to my fourteenth birthday sleepover celebration. I had a whole crew of all-stars over that night, so something brilliant was bound to happen. After we enjoyed some soft porn in the form of the movie "Hollywood Hot tubs" we had retired to the backyard to begin some other form of unholy mischief. As soon as are sleeping bags were unraveled on the ground a pillow fight broke out. Ed thinking he was so damned brave challenged us all at once. Little did he know Nick Correa was playing with a loaded pillow. As we surrounded and beat the brains out of Ed, Ed unsurprisingly freaked out about it. Ed turned to Boyd Madsen and punched him right in his mouth. I knew my party rep was on the line so I swooped in like a hawk and captured Ed in the first of many choke holds I would preform in my life. Ed went limp, so I let go and he did what any good Indian by would do, he ran. After Ed had taken off maybe for Canada, Nick said "hey guys I forgot about this" and then pulled a baseball out of his pillow case. He begged us not tell Ed, and he even cried a little bit, but the first thing we did was try to hunt Ed down to tell him. Ed finally returned in the wee hours of the morning apologized and went to sleep in my bed away from the rest of us. In the morning all was forgiven and friendships renewed


  1. Please keep these coming. Please.

  2. Let's not forget, oh choker of chokers, that I had stunned the raging Indian with a swift kick to his little Navajo nuts.

    PS-Was that really when we watched Hollywood Hot Tubs?
