Monday, May 2, 2011

What to do now that Osama's dead

I'll be taking some time off this week. I was going to dedicate my time to hunting down Bin Laden, but apparently that has been done. So now I have to try and figure out some new things to do on my days off. I really would like to make this a week of unique experiences some real first time, mind blowing, life changing thoughts and followed up by inspiring actions. Instead all I could come up with is this list

1 Buy some flowers for a woman: This may seem trivial for some, but of all the things on my list this one stresses me the most. Judge me if you must, but in all of my years of living I have never used flowers as a gesture of romance. Sure I've given them to women who have given birth, done a nice thing and i wanted to say thanks things like that. And I don't have really one woman in mind so it'll will be awesome and probably out of nowhere when I slap out some flowers on her.

2 Eat a fish taco: Hey this one could be life changing. what if i actually like them? Chances are low that I will like them due to my extreme hatred for seafood. I wont taint my experience with pre- conceived hate, instead I will keep my nose un-crinkled and my gag reflex shut down.

3 Make the greatest soup possible.( Yes you may have noticed I think of food a lot) I don't detest soup like I do seafood, but it ain't that cool either. that is until i figure out and make the finest soup. those who will be lucky enough to taste my soup will say thing like "that is the finest soup."

4. I'm going to go play soccer: Like the flowers, if you don't know me you may think "that's not that different" but I will compare it to this morning on the news when I heard Karl Rove say that President Obama and Hillary Clinton did an outstanding job. For those who don't watch the news it means soccer and I have been bitter enemies for years. I'm the guy who roots for the U.S. to lose in the world cup so they'll stop wrecking Sports Center. You cant use the argument "you just don't understand the game" because I do. When I was young soccer was the poor kids sport and while I had baseball hung over my head, with my families great financial sacrifice, soccer was championed by the ole parents, because the cost was less than a night out at McDonald's. and so maybe that is where my disdain comes from, the fact that I was tricked into liking it. Enough crappy rambling about it, i just haven't played in ten years and think I should try playing one more time.

5. throw a kick-ass 400 meter run on Saturday: Yes 400 meters might be only one lap around the track, but why pay money to run three and a half miles. now my run is sounding better and better. but if that isn't enough I'm going to feed the participants ribs after. Why? Maybe to say I've hosted a fun run/walk. or maybe... just kidding that is totally why.

I'll stop there cause it's only a few days off and I'm pretty sure making the finest soup ever will take a bulk of my time. If you would like to suggest something for me to do this week, feel free to add it in the comments. (p.s.for those who thought this was going to be a political post, Suckers!