Sunday, September 5, 2010

Some Things That Gotta GO II

Yes, that's right a sequel. I figured I was long overdue in posting, and really not that many interesting things have happened to me lately to write a story about, I might as well. Another factor is people seemed to really like the first list, often giving me there own things to bounce from the universe. I appreciate that and will now go on to use none of the suggestions( sorry Rima, the late night infomercial for the Booty Pop stays) I will instead use well thought out research of what things would make our lives better if they simply were never heard of again. that or most likely will just write whatever comes to mind in the next twenty minutes.

I'll start it off by targeting some well used sayings. In fact they are so well used that they bring sheer thoughts of violence against the offenders when they are rattled off constantly. The first one is "I'm now in control of my own destiny". Despite the argument of whether or not destiny can be controlled (see the hit series of movies Final Destination 1-16  if you really want to see what happens when you piss off destiny, I personally haven't seen any of them, but from the previews,you get yourself in BIG trouble.) The point is I don't care the meaning, say that to me, and your destiny is a fat lip. The other one I've heard way too much is " At the end of the day" This is usually some smart guys way of saying " I'm getting the last word, and I'm going to summarize why whatever we talked about doesn't matter and consider it resolved". Because as we all know at the end of the day we... oh man, see I did it too. Besides what really happens at the end of the day. shouldn't it be "the morning after" or,  at the end of the afternoon, this still isn't that funny so I'll move on.

Second thing that's out; Car Tires.  That's right car tires. This one might be because of thew fact that I had three flats in about a span of two weeks, but also isn't it about time for the flying car's anyway. This does cause me a bit of a personal problem however Since recently I took my first trip in a small plane. This plane's inside was about the size of my friend Boyd's Volkswagen Beetle.(yep, that's me taking a shot) I was crammed in the back with a lovely young lady named Jillyan Bechtold, and we were flying over the west desert of Utah from Wendover to Salt Lake City. While I was trying to point out the many, well three splendors of the desert, I started to feel as if I had just been rammed in the gut by a ram, I can only guess how that really feels but why not keep my metaphors simple, anyway that feeling quickly turned into projectile vomiting. with my lap full of my earlier breakfast( which I felt now was a waist of money)I turned to Jillyan and asked if she had any wet-naps. She instead provided me with a more practical item of a plastic bag, which I then filled in between pointing out the beauties of Utah. So I may struggle with flying cars a bit as well. I just don't know. Maybe transportation tubes anyone?

Third on the list Dead-beat dad's. yep

Forth Song's about or that mention California. I do enjoy spending time in California as much as anyone who doesn't live there already, but maybe other states should get some play from the singers of the world. We know you've got it all, the beaches, the movie stars but think if Idaho got some play on the radio for once, Idaho would start believing more in itself and maybe one day get enough confidence to get it's own ocean. That being said I'm thinking a head and am buy beach-front property in Burley.

Fifth is this man Johnathan Boatwright. Now I am not advocating that anybody make him disappear, or for that matter anything bad to happen to him, so if you see him and throat punch him then that is on you. I am simply writing a hypothetical list of things that need to go, I have no plans, or drive to get rid of any of these things on here. That being said you might find it hard to hate this guy. He hasn't made it easy on me. In fact I may be the only one who does. I was sitting in church with my friend  and she was telling me of an ex-boyfriend that she now had great dislike for. I decided i wanted someone to hate as well so I chose Boatwright . He hasn't made it easy. Every time I see him I tell him hello with such disdain as to draw looks from even strangers passing by. Everyone notices but of course Boatwright who just goes on talking as if we've been friends since i was peeing my pants.  It's infuriating. I can't even be mean to this guy, and it's not for lack of trying, of course he may do an Internet search and find this then he'll know he's gotta go. (If you do read this Johnathan then call me and we'll hit up wingers for lunch, oh and damn you)

The Last thing that needs to go is having an opinion. 
That seemed like a good idea, allowing people to make their own minds up, but it has turned out mostly to make people angry at each other. So let's pick someone, it could be President Obama, it could be you, just not Boatwright but let's pick someone, preferably some one tall, and let them do the deciding from now on. No more of this It's just my opinion so it can't be wrong, why won't you let me have my opinion blah. Think of how nice this would be "Steve the 7'4" guy at Harmon's said Twinkies are better than cupcakes and that Jennifer Aniston movies suck". there you have it. we all saved time, effort and were brought into unity by a giant. Sound like a fairy tale? maybe. but that is the point of all of this to make all of our lives better, except Boawright's with the things that gotta go


  1. GReat LiSt PhIlly!! Except..I'm stll tryin to figure out how you can continue to hate a dude who never did you wrong. :( Poor Boatwright. You crack me up though. It's about damn time you put up a post. I've had philwriting withdrawls. Keep up the posts, they're worth reading, and always good for a chuckle. How's the surf-sailing thing? Paddle wagging? What do you call it?

  2. I think it's time you mastered the simple, yet seemingly confusing, concepts of there, their and they're. You constantly muddle it up and I'm tired of it.

    Unless a Giant tells me otherwise.

  3. Boyd, who the hell made you the grammar captain of the internet? I'm sure your mom is very proud of you for reading Strunk and White at some stage in life, but it's very impolite, not to mention obnoxious, to correct the grammar of other adults in a public forum.

  4. PHIL!!! Can I tell you how happy I am to stumble on this fantastic blog!! Oh what I have been missing!! I have a sneaky suspicion that you may have been talking about me in the boatwright story. Am I right??? love you as always!!!

  5. Actually, it's Boyd's dad that's proud of him reading Strunk and White. He tell everyone to read it.

  6. Ha ha. This is funny to come back and read. Kristina, you are two funny.
