According to Phil's facebook page, the musumeci's deli was ranked as the #1 "Hole in the wall" restaurant in SLC. I would agree with them, however there are some protocols that need to be fol
lowed when enjoying the deli.

Do: Know what you want when you step up to the cash register. I've seen many a man crumble under the pressure placed upon the undecided even the quick thinking Derek Wessman fumbled when squeezed by the Sicilian duo. I've heard that Phil has been referred to as the "Pasta Nazi"
Don't: Bring outside food! This is a biggie and if you do find you're self breaking this one Don't be a smart ass about it. There was a fella who broke both these rules once. He almost didn't live to tell about it. He brought some of the

Do: Buy a sandwich from them cause they're great. enough said
Don't: Ask Phil Sr. if he is connected to the mob. Besides being ethnically insensitive, why would he tell you? And if the answer is yes then you would probably wish you hadn'

Do: Tell Phil Sr. that soccer sucks and American football is the best. Only do this if you have a lot of time, because you are about to get an earful. I dare you.
I can't tell you how many times I've been to the deli, but every time I have thoroughly enjoyed myself and the two Phil's crazy antics I know all six of you people who read this blog have some more stories so please post them in the comments space
I don't remember crumbling under the pressure, but I am sure I did. As a born-and-bred Utah boy, I had never set foot in a bona fide Italian Deli, and it got the best of me.
ReplyDeleteI promise that the next Italian sandwich I enjoy in the States will be at the Deli though. I salute the Musumecis.
I'll have to try this place, Phil. You've got me interested.
ReplyDeleteThis is so good. They should post this on their website (if they have one). I miss the Musumeci's Deli.
ReplyDeletewhere's it at? I really want to go there.
ReplyDeleteAnother DON'T: Ask Philip what is good or what he recommends or what goes good with Pastrami. Don't ask for toppings on a meatball either.
ReplyDeleteoh and DO: Fill out the damn form correctly.