Friday, March 19, 2010

The Thing About Jackie

This post may be another confusing post, but when is my Blog not confusing. This one is about a young female named Jackie Neerings. Again I don't feel a need to explain my actions. But yet again to avoid any legal actions against me, I will state that we are not in a relationship. originally I was going to do another list, but I've written enough of those lately,(two is enough for me) so instead I will do this story style, on the nice things of Jackie.
I first met Jackie almost two years ago, when she walked into my place of employment screaming about how cool she was, and how much fun she could bring to the place. Hey it's my story, and that's how I saw it, even if she tries to claim otherwise. Little did she know, I didn't care because I had a foot out the door, due to the fact I couldn't stand anyone I worked with. This is the first point I want to make about her. She makes life more enjoyable. All of the sudden I had someone at work I could talk with. Her bouncy walk alone radiated positivity, and then she would flash her goofy yet addictive peace sign in front of a giant smile. She almost single handily changed my attitude. Then just like the way she came bouncing in, she decided to bounce back out.In fact she bounced out all the way to Ecuador. For Six months she paid to work at an orphanage. which is the next point. Her charitable acts. Of my many causes, she has always been supportive and willing to help. Of her own causes, she honestly believes she can change the world, and I dare you to doubt her. That brings me to her angry side. Just kidding all positive here. So lets talk instead about her Sense of humor. It's great, I know this because she even laughs at my jokes. The one moment that really sticks out that defines this was the time I was so angry my face was red and inside I was swearing the worst swears imaginable. her response when most people would just give me space( like a few miles) was to grab a bag of someone else's treats and held them up, and said "at least we have snacks". She then continued to give me a piece of licorice every two minutes. And when I finally broke and laughed and asked will you stop? her only reaction was to offer me another piece. All of these qualities lead to my final, yet most important quality. Her potential to be great. I think most of us have this potential, but the only ones who achieve it are the ones who strive for it. Jackie has developed these skills and I'm sure her accomplishments will confirm this. As she once made abundantly clear to me, she knows herself. I will however risk being ostracized by her in saying she's only at the tip of the iceberg. And once she does venture even further down. Watch out world cause you're about to be rocked. Okay bye

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Why I'm Awesome

Why is it a sin to say anything nice about yourself? One way to irritate me quickly while in conversation, is when a somebody gives themselves a compliment and then follows it up with a "just kidding". Or the person to whom excels at something and smiles and says "really I'm not that good". I know nobody likes the person who talks non-stop about themselves, and there own greatness, but usually that person is easily detected because their conversation is mostly based on superficial facts of why they are better that you. With all that said, I'm going to give you five reasons why I would like to be friends with me. It's not that i am trying to prove myself to anyone, because if you're one of the five people reading my blog, you probably already know me. I just figured it would be more enjoyable read than the 40 reasons why I'm not awesome (besides some one will assuredly do that for me in the comments under the guise of anonymous). So if you read this and think, "man this dude is cocky", well maybe I am.

1 My humility

2 I Have An Opinion This might sound confusing, because you would think everyone has an opinion. They don't. A lot of people just repeat what they heard from someone else. If you want to test this, listen to the Jim Rome Show on the radio one day and then get into a sports conversation with a group of people and you will hear his exact phrases. Another one is when you hear someone arguing over the health care plan, Ask them "Have you read the plan?" So far I've only found one who has. I'm not claiming that influence and sources are bad. But I for one like to try to uncover the truth, think about it , and then act like its the only correct opinion in the world.

3 My Love For A Good Adventure If I didn't have this, I probably wouldn't have anything to write on my blog. Most my adventures if I used my logic, I would stay away from. In fact I would dig a moat and build a wall around it. So if you plan something and can't find anyone to go along with it because it's too weird, scary,or painful, call me and I'll probably be game.

4 My humor I've found everything is better with humor. Well maybe not food.

5 I Just Try To Be Nice The key word is try. If I am mean, it is never with malice, just stupidity. I would rather have people feel better about themselves. I think most people would outside of high school. But once in while you'll run into those who are all about trying to make you feel like crap. well that ain't me

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

The fall of greatness

Since my friend Boyd had to have back surgery on Monday I decided to Re-post this this one in his honor or dismay. You might think this is in bad taste, and you might be right because after all, it was the fall on that Tuesday that did his back in. He was carrying young Ava down the stairs when he slipped. Fortunately for Ava's existence, he fell on his back. Unfortunately his basketball career may be over. The surgery was said to have gone well. So Boyd I hope there are no more falls to report.

Last Tuesday or so my man Boyd took a tumble. I guess he really jacked his back so I can't make light of it. But it did get me thinking about some of his other bouts with gravity. Unfortunately for him there have been many, but two stick the most so I will tell you about them.
When we were visiting the coastline of Monterrey California, Boyd ran into the ocean and found out just how damned cold the water is up there. He quickly started to return to the beach as I was heading out full speed. I made a turn into his path and he wisely sensed danger. He tried to turn his full load of a body out of my freeway of destruction, but in doing so he lost his footing and shuffled his feet sideways as his upper body outdistanced his legs and finally he was eating sand. When falls happen there is usually a period of concern for the victim. Not this time everyone on the beach erupted in laughter except of course Boyd. When he got back to the the towels Derek Wessman was still cracking up. This enraged Boyd and he responded with "real f-- funny.You'll think it's funny when you have to drive my ass to the hospital." Which Derek did indeed think it funny.

The second fall happened at a u of u football game. The Utes had just beat UCLA into a godless state. Boyd surprisingly thought we should storm the field with the rest of the fans. We got down to the end of the bleachers and saw that there was about a 9' drop to the field. we watched a bunch of people go over and they all hit the ground and ran off so we figured it to be safe. We didn't figure that none of the people going over were pushing 3 bills in the weight department like Boyd and I, plus Boyd had sandals on. At this point there was no turning back because of the crush of fans behind us. Boyd climbed the rail and you could actually see his brain working, trying to talk himself into it when he slipped and went over. He hit feet and hands first and went into what can only be described as a ninja roll. He ended up on his back with both his hands and feet strait up in the air like a giant dying cockroach. For the rest of the night he told everyone including strangers, that he had broken his heel. everyone unsympathetically just blew him off. He didn't break his heel, but it hurt him for months to come.

I don't hope Boyd continues to fall down, but if he does i sure hope I'm there to witness it.

originally Posted 12/19/08