One hot summer night I sitting in the living room of my home. I was enjoying a T.V. program when I was interrupted by a woman's scream from outside. Unfortunately that was fairly normal on the street. The Sandy police should have set-up a sub-station on good ol' 9585 south because they were there every other night. In fact one day my dad called the chief and told him he ran his crew like a pack of wild dogs. This probably increased the cop traffic on our street. The
Cops presence was in no small part due to the involvement to young Phil Mususmeci. Indeed almost every time Phil was there. This experience was no different since the woman's voice was actually Phil's high pitched squeal of fury. I rolled my eyes and walked out to the porch to watch the show. Phil was berating my immediate neighbor to the left, calling her all manors of obscenities and making new ones as well. At one point he yelled to my neighbors live-in boyfriend to "put his bitch on a leash." I said to myself "now dude has to get involved," but dude just sat there. Apparently he wanted nothing to do with the 350 pounds of pure angry Italian meat that was verbally beating seven kinds of shit out of his lady. This whole argument was over fireworks and of course the calling of the cops. Apparently my neighbors were lighting fireworks at 12:30 am the night before. The Musumecis did not appreciate the show so they rang up the fuzz. The next night the woman decided to confront the M's. Big mistake! She now got a mouth firework show. And that takes us to me watching safely from my porch. The cops were there in a couple of minutes, probably anticipating the nights event. They quickly broke it up and peace once again reigned on 9585 south. Lest you think this is one of my quick wrap ups due to my lack of attention span, this story is not over, oh no. Two weeks later I was enjoying my birthday party with some close friends in my backyard. I had previously that night given some mortar shell fireworks to my friend Jaren Petersen. I wasn't about to use them after all the trouble earlier. But Jaren didn't mind the trouble and as he was leaving shot one off. It took us all by surprise and even made Boyd Madsen flip the hammock he was l
aying in. He landed on his face and guts, still makes my laugh out loud picturing that. We just continued in our conversation and all but forgot about the shell that lit the night, when the neighbor, the same one who allegedly needed to be leashed poked her head over the fence and said" are you the one's shootin' the fireworks cause someone called the cops." She continued with "I'll betch ya it was those dirty Italians across the street, cause they called the cops on us" unfortunately for her it was dark and she couldn't see that the dirty Italian was siting right next to me. Phil started in with round two when I asked him to honor my birthday and keep the peace. He honorably did and I was amazed. The cops did show up and were greeted by a personal escort from Boyd who announced there presence with a "hey guys the fuzz is here". This cop was probably getting off in a couple of minutes and wanted nothing to do with any of this so he just told us if we had them hide them and reminded us of the fine. We just blamed it on some kid who left the party early and was working on his own. The cop didn't care. That was the only time I can say that for the cops on good ol' 9585 south.